Honoring the Guru


What is Guru Purnima?

It is one of the most auspicious Full Moons of the year which comes after the Summer Solstice. This full Moon is known as Guru Purnima, the moon which is dedicated to the Guru.

GURU – the one who brings wisdom to the confusion. The Guru is one that embodies light and is a steward of absolute truth.

This bright full moon (one of the largest of the year) gives us the opportunity to pause and recognize the spiritual guide(s) that have brought light to our life path.  The fullness of the moon in all of its splendor is a mirror to how we’ve filled our cups through the love and inspiration (inner and outer) that we receive from these guides. 

In Vedic culture, honoring the Guru is a natural, common practice of showing reverence toward the teacher and the endless wisdom he/she offers. This seems to be a rarity in our modern culture.  It is through their grace that we are guided toward inner wisdom, light, peace, and happiness.  This day is a celebration between teacher and student.

Tradition holds that Guru Purnima is a day to offer our heartfelt gratitude to Sage Vyasa, Buddha (as on this Full Moon he delivered his first teaching at Sarnath), or Lord Shiva (the first teacher of Yoga). First and foremost on this day, we recognize a connection to an enlightened being that we have not met but are connected through their teaching/philosophy. For many practitioners of Yoga, it may be a connection to Patanjali, Vasistha, the Krishna of the Bhagavad Gita etc.

The next important Guru, are our parents for they serve as our first teachers, guides, and mentors. It’s a way of honoring our elders and their stewardship to support the next generations. We then also come to recognize a powerful teacher(s) that brought you closer to your inner light.

Guru Purnima is not about putting humans on a pedestal to worship and admire. For me, it’s a recognition of lineage. To what and to whom do I bow down in gratitude? The answer can evolve for you over time. And it is nice to check in yearly and connect to your spiritual path. This modern Guru brings a potent connection to Spirit. They help you get out of your way, and serve as a mirror to reflect back.  They likely “push your buttons” and expand your Being like none other. 

Think of this day as “Teacher’s Day” in the most blessed way.  We don’t give the teacher a present per se but rather honor them through prayer, mantra, or simply spending time with them. 

From sunrise to moonset on this day you bow, honor, and meditate to the spiritual teacher(s) that have illuminated your path. Today is also a day to recognize the Self as the greatest teacher of all. The Guru will ultimately bring you to the realization that we are all One and thus no separation exists.  Thus, G(ee) U(you)R(are)U .. G U R U 


  1. Sit under the light of the Full Moon and chant the Mantra given to you by your guru.  Or choose a mantra you resonate with deep into your heart. 
  2. If you have an altar then clean that area, offer fresh flowers, and light a ghee lamp or candle in celebration. 
  3. Spend time with those that have illuminated your heart. 
  4. Spend time reading sacred Vedic texts such as: Upanishad, Bhagavad Gita or any other texts by Buddha etc.
  5. Chant the following mantra:


Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshvaraha

Guru Śaksat, Para Brahma  

Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha  
