Ustrasana for December
Through the support of Ayurvedic Yoga, December is the perfect month to focus on Ustrasana as it targets the two Doshas, Vata and Kapha, that we are seeking to balance.
Live in Balance
Live in Balance
Through the support of Ayurvedic Yoga, December is the perfect month to focus on Ustrasana as it targets the two Doshas, Vata and Kapha, that we are seeking to balance.
Self-discovery through Ayurveda. One of the many gifts of Ayurveda is that it helps us comprehend who we were MEANT to be, not WISH to be. PRAKRUTI A profound journey in self-transformation to acceptance and celebration. When you begin from the start, then you bow down to the miracle of your body. This body is …
I believe every Dosha has Dharma or Divine purpose. After all, our birth is divine. According to Ayurveda, our Soul literally chooses the uterus to dive into.